Andrew Teoh y Ruth Chong son los nuevos rostros de “Kids Alive”
Ruth: Yo espero usar mi capacidad y mis habilidades para ayudar a los niños a crecer en su potencial instruccional e interpersonal. Haciendo eso, ellos se convertirán en sabedores de conocimiento y de valores que los hagan capaces de relacionarse y trabajar efectivamente con diferentes tipos de personas en diferentes lugares.
Andrew: Los niños y los jóvenes son el futuro. Tu puedes encontrar en ellos el potencial para crear y cambiar la fábrica de la sociedad del mañana. Si ellos se desarrollan bien el impacto puede ser tremendo. Asi que estamos muy entusiasmados en ayudarlos a maximizar su potencial en 3 áreas: Internacional, Instruccional e Interpersonal. Aquí, necesitamos que los niños valoren la oportunidad que se les ha dado, con activa participación, aprendizaje y práctica que no solamente se sientan beneficiarios sino también contribuyentes agradecidos de construir un mejor futuro.
Backgrounds & Responsibilies...
Andrew: I am a graduate from Nanyang Technological University of Singapore with a Honours Degree in Civil and Structural Engineering. I had worked several years for Civil Engineering Consulting Firm and Builders before joining a leading oil rig building company in 2006. I have joined Generation Acts Club International as a professional volunteer since 2002.
As a Country Manager (Peru), my major role is in leading and managing the club in Lima-Peru, which includes planning & strategising all youth and kids projects (e.g., Youth ALIVE!, Kids ALIVE!) with my team of project managers, and creating & managing strategic partnerships with various organizations. My chief aim is to steer the club to fulfil its missions to the maximum in the local context.
Ruth: I was a process engineer in semiconductor company in Singapore. Besides graduating with an Engineering Honours degree, I completed also a diploma in Professional Chinese Teaching this year. My new role in Gen-Acts (Peru) is Kids ALIVE! Project Manager, overseeing all kids-related projects. I hope to see the kids to be developed more fully in their instructional and interpersonal potential.
Youth and Kids...
Andrew: Kids and Youths are our future. You can find in them the potential to create and change the fabric of society of tomorrow. If they are deveped well, the implication and impact are tremendous. So we are excited to help them maximize their potential in 3 areas: International, Instructional and Interpersonal. Here, we need the kids & youth to value this opportunity given, to actively participate, learn and practise such that they not only grow up a good beneficiary of this opportunity but a grateful contributor in future as well!
Ruth: I hope to use my abilities and skills to help the kids grow in their instructional and interpersonal potential. By doing so, they can become potentially knowledgeable grown-ups with sound mind and values, and are able to effectively relate and work with different kinds of people in various settings.
About Peru...
Andrew: Peru is definitely different from the culture where we are from. Here, it is just warmer (people) and richer (culture)...I like this place very much. After a month, now I feel it's a great choice on my part to come here..:)
Ruth: Peru is a very beautiful and culturally-rich country. The food are very delicious and unique. The people are very warm and friendly, so it's not difficuilt to make new friends here. The economy is growing in Peru, however, the literacy is not growing as much. Kids and youths are the precious asset for the future, so I hope through what we are doing, we are able to equip them for a better future.
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